What makes our 200hr training courses different?

It is a pretty epic decision working out which yoga teacher training course to study, out all of the thousands on offer! There are different styles of asana (postures), different certifications, not to mention the tutors who teach. Let me explain a little more about what we do, and why and how it gets us the highest success of graduates becoming fantastic teachers!

Do you know 95% of our graduates are teaching within 3 months of graduation (the usual rate is about 30-45%)?

If you need to know the basics on certifying bodies/ qualifications to teach you can read this here. If you’d like to hear more about our approach read on.

So how do our courses differ from others you may be considering? Below I cover various points so you can get a feel for whether our courses are right for you. We are not in the business of pressuring you, because it needs to be a good fit for you as well as us. Our excellent reputation relies on it! 

How much work is involved?

Ok, let’s get real- it is a lot of work! This course is an in depth learning experience. The learning is multidimensional, your body, mind and even your sense of self will feel the difference! As one of our graduates put it

‘‘I truly believe that this is the best course in the country. Laura, who has a wealth of knowledge and wisdom has carefully curated each module to advance understanding of yoga beyond the physical practise, from honouring ancient culture to the latest scientific research. I somehow managed to be pregnant, birth and have baby twins during the year long course and this was possible through no small part thanks to Laura and the BSY team for being so welcoming of my new family’’.

Rachel, 200hr graduate

Unlike shorter intense courses, this course really prepares you to teach yoga with a depth of knowledge and experience. On average you will need to study for a day or a couple of evenings a week in addition to the course days. Some trainees come thinking they want to study for themselves (rather than teach) -  that’s also fine, but in our experience they change their minds as the course progresses!

Bespoke Support

So how do we have an unparalleled 99% course completion rate with 95% successful teaching rate? We adapt the learning to suit you! Life is unpredictable, so we work with our trainees to support them through the course. This might be for a mum working full time, or someone with dyslexia. Here’s a few words from Rachel @thegreatmtheryoga on instagram, who managed to add twins to her young family and complete the course! “It would not have been possible without the amazing support of the tutors and the BSY team for being so welcoming of my new family, as well as my peers”

Confidence & support & trauma sensitivity

We also instill a deep sense of confidence, because we see you doing the work. If you need more support during the course we are here for you. We all have our own ways of learning and we support you to study and learn in the ways that suit you, whether that is writing and presenting or drawing and discussion.

We are experts in supporting neurodiverse students- being a neuro spicy bunch ourselves! We integrate our trauma sensitive approach within the course so you are taught with respect and also learn to be trauma aware in your own teaching.

Do I need to be strong and bendy?

We do not ask or need our trainees to be super flexible! Because most people in the world just need to learn to live with a bit more ease- there is a massive need for teachers for older people, or people in pain- so we teach a more inclusive approach to yoga. Does it mean I can’t do handstands?! No! We cover it all but there is no expectation to do anything you don't feel confident with.

The Vinyasa & Yin 200hr course offers a more dynamic practice alongside the gentle yin- but we still teach you to teach complete beginners. The Hatha & Restorative 200hr course covers gentle practice but still includes inversions, arm balances etc. to suit whoever is there and whoever may come to your classes. You can read more about the difference between the two courses here.


It may sound like it takes a lot of experience to hold the space like that! And in truth, yes, it does! But one thing that seriously sets the course apart is experience. I have practiced yoga for most of my life, with 30+ years of yoga practice and 25 years of teaching. Our team have all been teaching for at least a decade, meaning we have an incredible knowledge base to rely on. 

“The teacher training is my life’s work and I am entirely committed to supporting each and every trainee through the course, and each and every graduate into the yoga career they have dreamt of. To this end I work and play and share with full passion and dedication.”


Our tutors

All my tutors are exceptional teachers in their own right and also continue to walk their path of yoga and to hone their teaching skills. All of our tutors have been studying and teaching yoga for more than a decade (or two).

If you check out the credentials of the other teachers & studio owners in Bristol/ Wales and the South West, (some of whom also run trainings) you will see many of them actually trained with Laura initially! 

‘’I just wanted to say thank you to you and the BSY team. I really enjoyed the teacher training and am so glad I picked BSY.  I have felt supported throughout the whole process and you personally have given me the confidence to get out there and teach. Yourself, Charlie, Ashley and Kate are different in so many ways and this brought such an invaluable wealth of teaching to the course. Having an array of teachers to learn from and a big peer group is a huge part of what made this course so special’’.

Carrie Ann, 200hr graduate

Business Positive

We also support you with career planning because yoga can be a viable career when planned correctly. We offer a distinct course to support this further after the 200hr training.

Philosophy & Science

I do not believe yoga is at odds with business- I love yoga philosophy, pranayama & asana, but I also need to provide for my family. So I share an integrated approach to yoga as a genuine lifestyle. This practice is the foundation of all I do. It sustains me to be able to support you. I have always been a pretty focused person and have spent, in total, a couple of years in India and Sri Lanka learning more about the culture, about yoga and studying with teachers and sadhus (holy men & women). 

We teach you to teach

Our expertise is in getting you teaching. We start the process on day one- because that is why you are here! Each step of the way you will be fully supported to find the words, to understand the movements and to enjoy the process. It takes time to build teaching skill, but you will already have a foundation of some sort- whether you are adept at language, movement or empathetic. It all counts and over the course we weave the learning together so that it all falls into place. 

We support you to teach during the course- with class plans, detailed descriptions of the poses, an embodied understanding of the anatomy, and an in depth practice of the poses, breathwork and meditations. 


The emphasis is on real practice- for real bodies and minds! If you can do amazing handstands- that's great we will cheer you along. But most of our students just need to move a little more and breathe with more ease, to worry less and relax more. So we also show you how to share yoga for the majority of the population beyond the strong and bendy few! In embracing an evidence-based approach, yoga becomes more accessible to a broader audience. The scientific validation of its benefits helps demystify any misconceptions and stereotypes surrounding the practice. This inclusivity encourages individuals from all walks of life to explore and experience the transformative power of yoga.


Which is the right 200 hour Yoga Training Course for you?


What I wish I knew before I started my 200hr training