Understanding the Bandhas
Often we are familiar with the Bandhas from reading the old yogic texts, where they're described to support our asana practice. The Bandhas are spoken in relation to holding or retaining the breath when practicing asana, coming to the translation of the Bandhas being ‘locks’ or ‘bindings’ in the body.
But what really are they?
We have the three bandhas: Mula (root), Uddiyana (uplift) and Jalandhara (throat or chin), all of which are important not only in the physical practice of yoga but also our Pranayama practice.
In this vlog, I go deep into what each bandha is, the background of how the ancient yogis have described the bandhas and not only how we can engage them but also how we can start start tapping into the Vagus Nerve, connecting deeper to the subtle layers of the body.
Check out my video breaking down the Bandhas!