Planning a successful Yoga Business

I am all for making yoga accessible to everyone, but I believe those who have a good income should pay fair and square for their yoga classes, and those who can't afford it can pay a subsidised rate or that yoga might be offered for free through a charity set up.

But in order to make a good income we need to be strategic- to think & plan like a business - because that’s what you are: a small business. 

When we first qualify as teachers it’s brilliant to reach far & wide with our teaching, to be known, to find what we like to do; but over time we may want to become more expert in a specific area & if this is successful, we may find “niche” takes up all our time & earns us the income we need. 

 In the beginning you may want to keep your field of vision and experience broad, so you can access more income, as classes become available. Over time you may want to refine your offerings to go with what most interests you and  your students & brings in the money. 

I believe that what may often happen is that early in our teaching career we are so happy to take on any classes & share the love, that we forget to review where we are going. 

Running around teaching 12+ classes a week is exhausting, so we need to make sure we create a strategy to leave us time to review where we are going. Otherwise we may continue to be so busy teaching class that we fail to progress our careers- not leaving time for study or for exploring more lucrative areas of teaching than classes.

Whether you've been a teacher for years or just taking your first steps into the business of yoga, here's my latest vlog where I explain why you should have a business plan & how to value your offerings.



The Bandhas- Unlocking the Power of the Vagus Nerve


Understanding the Bandhas